Parent's Night Out
Parents drop your kids off at the Y!
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
$20 Members $25 Non-Members
Includes swimming and nerf related activities in the gymnasium.
You get a night just for you and your 6-12 year old’s get a night of swimming, nerf fun, and other activities.
Kids will swim in the pool, play Nerf games in the gym and socialize with other kids! (There will be 2 groups rotating at different times throughout the activities)
Fall 2024 DATES:
September 13th
October 11th
November 8th
December 13th
Winter 2024 Dates and Themes:
January 10th- Basketball in the Pool!
February 14th- Happy Valentine’s Day! (Wear red or pink)
March 14th- Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (Wear green)
April 11th- Volleyball in the Pool!
Please Bring:
- one Nerf gun compatible with Nerf elite darts
- a bathing suit
- a towel
- water bottle
Nerf darts and safety eyewear will be provided.
Ask about the Family Rate! $50.00 for 3 or more siblings! Financial Aid is also available.
Registration will close the day before the program date!
Nerf Night 5:30-7:30PM